
How to Become a Member
Club Membership: Guidelines and Requirements
Step 1: Complete New Member Application on the link below. Tell us about yourself and your interests and experiences with Goldens. We can get you connected with the right people that can help.
Step 2: Send in membership dues via check or online via our Store.
Step 3: Once the new member application requirements are met, the applicant must attend a general membership meeting to be voted in by the membership. Once voted in, the applicant is considered an active member. Pay your annual dues to the club vice president or online.
Types of membership: Single or Family. Single Regular membership is (1) person per application. Family membership: (2) or more in the same household.
Regular membership: This category of membership is open to all persons eighteen (18) years of age or older who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the objectives of the Mile-Hi Golden Retriever Club. While membership is unrestricted as to residence, the Club's primary purpose is to be representative of the breeders and exhibitors in the Rocky Mountain Region.
Family membership: A family membership shall be limited to two (2) adult (eighteen (18) years of age or older) members in a family/household, each to have voting privileges. Junior (seventeen (17) years of age or younger) members of the same family, residing in the same household, shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the Club except the right to vote and hold office. The two (2) adult members shall be identified by name on the membership application form.
Please read before submitting your NEW membership application.
WELCOME to MHGRC and thank you for checking us out!
We extend a warm welcome to you as a prospective member of the Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club (MHGRC). Whether you prefer to participate in agility, conformation, field, obedience, barn hunt, tracking, or just want to learn more about your cherished companion, we thank you for your interest in our club.
The Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club was formed with the primary goal of improving the breed for members in Colorado and the surrounding areas. We accomplish this goal through hosting special events, informative and educational club meetings, and serving as a resource for our breed. The Golden Retriever is almost totally unique in its multi-functional capabilities. Our dogs participate in many diverse areas such as: agility, conformation, obedience, hunting (field trials and hunting tests), tracking, nose work, barn hunt, search and rescue, service dogs, and faithful pets and companions. Through its many activities, the club helps members to better understand, raise, and train high quality dogs. It is our members’ active participation that is improving the breed in the Colorado area.
Volunteer hours and expectations: Both forms of membership imply a willingness to support and participate in club activities EACH YEAR. ALL members are encouraged to support the club through many types of contributions. There are NO minimum requirements. IF you have a particular interest, please contact the event chair and learn how you can help before or during the activity.
With the growing popularity of the Golden Retriever, MHGRC believes that we must all endeavor to be the guardians of this wonderful breed. We encourage all members to seek continuing education and to use this knowledge wisely in the care and perpetuation of the breed.
Buying a Puppy

The Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club (MHGRC) mission is to provide a list of club member breeders who are committed to preserving the health, soundness, and quality of breed type as stated in the AKC breed standard for the Golden Retriever. In providing this resource, it is our goal to help people connect with responsible breeders, establish a lasting relationship with their breeder, and assure a long, healthy, and well-tended life for our Goldens.
What is a Well-Bred Golden Retriever?
A well-bred Golden Retriever comes from a well-educated breeder. You don’t just wake up one day and start computer programming. The same is true for “programming” the genetic makeup of a Golden Retriever. Without first investing time to learn best practices, the results will be disastrous. Learning about the breed, its history and purpose breed standard, genetic health issues, the impact of care and feeding on the health of the animals, responsible dog ownership and more are all directly linked to producing healthy puppies with desired breed attributes. Attending seminars, shows and performance events, and exchanging experience-based knowledge among fellow club members, fanciers around the globe, and highly respected breeders throughout the breed’s history, contribute to this foundation. Well-educated breeders have also learned from the best teachers of all: The Golden Retrievers they have loved, trained, and exhibited in club-sponsored and AKC events. Whether you seek a family companion, show or performance champion, or hunting dog, you will benefit long term if you acquire your Golden Retriever from a knowledgeable breeder.
As you start the search for your next family member be patient and do your research. GRCA has a lot of valuable information on FINDING A GOLDEN RETRIEVER including how to begin your
search, find a breeder, where to find a Golden and other topics to consider before you buy a Golden.
Finding a Breeder
Responsible Breeders are committed to not only adhering to the AKC Breed Standard and the Golden Retriever Club of America’s (GRCA) Code of Ethics but breeds with a long-term purpose. They are involved in the dog fancy or local canine community. They participate in dog-related community,
public education and/or club events. They contribute back to the breed, for the good of the breed, in a proactive way. Their ultimate purpose is to better the breed through careful consideration of pedigree, structure, faults and have breeding stock that is screened for genetic health issues acknowledged as prevalent in the breed. They are not commercial vendors or brokers and they are not in the business of selling dogs, they are breed fanciers who are dedicated to the health and future of the breed. Their primary goal for any breeding is to ensure the health and quality of the dogs they produce in pursuit of their hobby.
MHGRC includes many good and responsible breeders and stud dog owners. Our Breeder Referral
Program is a list of breeders who are club members in good standing. These breeders may be contacted for information of upcoming litters or current puppies for sale.
Disclaimer: Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club (MHGRC) provides the Breeder Referral Program as a service to its members and to the public at large. MHGRC requires breeders to sign a contract saying they will abide by the GRCA Code of Ethics, but NEITHER MHGRC, THE BREEDER REFERRAL COMMITTEE, NOR THE MHGRC BOARD OF DIRECTORS ARE TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR TOTAL ENFORCEMENT. It is the Prospective Puppy Buyer’s responsibility to insure that all paperwork with regard to clearances and pedigree, contracts etc. are in order. MHGRC in no way warrants any contracts or agreements as these remain solely between the Breeder and Prospective Puppy Buyer. MHGRC CANNOT guarantee the quality or health of any puppy purchased as a result of a referral from its Breeder Referral Service.
Breeder Referral: Guidelines And Requirements
To be listed on the MHGRC Breeder Referral List breeders have agreed to follow the code of ethics of the Golden Retriever Club of America, be a MHGRC member in good standing for at least six months, pay an annual Breeder Referral fee, volunteer at least (8) hours at/for a club event and meet all additional requirements listed below. A member in good standing is a member who has paid their yearly dues and have had no action taken against them due to complaints in the past year.
Breeders listed on the MHGRC Breeder Referral List meet the following guidelines and requirements. The Breeder Referral List is updated annually to ensure breeders are current in meeting these requirements.
- Are members in good standing of Mile-Hi Golden Retriever Club (MHGRC)
- Abide by the GRCA Code of Ethics
- Breed animals only AFTER they are two years of age and are eligible for appropriate documentation applying to health of hips, eyes, hearts and elbows.
- Provide purchasers of puppies or adults with appropriate documentation regarding the health of dogs involved in a breeding or sale, including reports of examinations such as those applying to hips, eyes, hearts and elbows. If any such examinations have NOT been performed on a dog, this should be stated.
- Keep accurate breeding records and registration information in accordance with American Kennel Club regulations
- Provide purchasers of adults or puppies with accurate papers to include a three-generation pedigree, registration certificate and/or a written sales agreement as to whether a guarantee is provided, and setting forth any terms, conditions or limitations thereto, together with complete medical records. If the puppy is to be sold on Limited Registration, the terms of that registration are explained.
- Provide, in writing, all representations, promises, statements, warranties and guarantees, to be signed by both parties at the time of sale.
- Maintain an ongoing relationship with purchasers and, if for any reason there is a problem, assist or provide a resolution. This is a lifetime commitment. A Golden Retriever in need of a new home who is owned by, bred by or sired by a dog owned by a member of MHGRC should not become a rescue dog. Whenever feasible, this dog should become the responsibility of the owner, breeder, or owner of the sire.
- Thoroughly get to know prospective buyers to ensure they are a good match to the puppy or adult being placed, and that they have all appropriate resources to assure a long, healthy and well-tended life for their new Golden Retriever.
- Help long-distance puppy buyers make the necessary preparations for the puppy to travel home with them in the cabin of an airplane or properly and comfortably crated in their vehicle.
Breeders on this list will NOT:
- Sell puppies or adults through third parties, including but not limited to: online brokers, newspapers, auctions, pet shops, catalog houses, laboratories, dog-fighting operations, or any wholesale dealer in dogs (a dealer being a person who regularly buys dogs for re-sale at a profit), or to any person who sells to any of the above. Members will not knowingly offer stud service to wholesale dealers or to any person involved with any of the above.
- Provide a Golden Retriever for use in raffles, fundraisers, or similar enterprises.
- Sell a puppy under 7 weeks of age. MHGRC recommends puppies be sold at 8 weeks per Colorado law. If a puppy is to fly to its new home, the required health certificate cannot be obtained until 8 weeks of age.
Create a checklist for buying a puppy. GRCA has valuable information – FINDING A GOLDEN RETRIEVER. It has a valuable checklist of questions for prospective puppy owners to ask breeders.